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The Alberta Referral Directory (ARD) is the official referral information source for healthcare services and specialists in the province.
See FAQ to learn about our recent website design changes.
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Advanced Options - Query Tuning Parameters

Specialties Boost: Address Boost:
Specialist Name Boost: Service Name Boost:
Is Accepting Patients Boost:    
Precision Boost:
(Boosts exact(ish) phrase matches:
- allMainQuerySearchFields_synonyms_unaware: synonyms unaware)
Alternate Service Names:
(IA: acronyms, preferred, previous, other
ARD: alternate and it should be smaller than the Service Name Boost)
    Reason For Referral Boost:
Is CAT Parent Boost: Is CAT Dependent Boost:
Has CAT Dependents Boost:    
Location Name: 0.001 Gender: 0.001
Phone Number: 1.0e-100 Fax Number: 1.0e-100
Tie Breaker:
Indicates if the maximum scoring field only or other fields' scores should be considered by solr in calculating the total score for a document. A value of "0.0" makes the query a pure "disjunction max query" - only the maximum scoring sub query contributes to the final score. A value of "1.0" makes the query a pure "disjunction sum query" - where it doesn't matter what the maximum scoring sub query is, the final score is the sum of the sub scores. Typically a low value (ie: 0.1) is useful.
Minimum Match:
Indicates how many query clauses MUST match. Example: 50% means half of them have to match; or 2 means at least 2 clauses have to match; 100% means pure AND query; 0% means pure OR query
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Don't see the healthcare service you are looking for? Contact the ARD Administrator
If you cannot find the healthcare service you are looking for on the Solr search screen, you can create your own healthcare service to link to.
To create a new location for an existing Private Healthcare Service, open its profile and click on Edit Healthcare Service Profile.
If you cannot find the healthcare service you are looking for on the Solr search screen, you can request one to be created for you by the ARD administrator.